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  • 75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
  • 75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
  • 75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage

75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage

  • Model: YXD75P-LS
  • High Brightness: 400nits
  • Resolution:3840*1440
  • System: Android 10.1
  • Indoor Display

  • 75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
    3840 x 1440 LCD display
    The true long Vision
    with the full screen dispay,  it will totally give a full vision on the screen display, no edge, no frame, no dots
  • 75 inch Standing Stretched Bar Digital Signage
    A board and floor standing
    One device, two ways to use
    A board and floor standing, much more easier to choose which way is suit for your business.
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See all Specs

  • Screen Size
    1. 75 inch

  • Screen Resolution
    1. 3840 x 1440

  • Dimension
    1. 1744x663*39mm

  • YXD75P-LS spec
    2022-08-11 261807kb Downloads:42
  • YXD75P-LS-dimension
    2022-08-11 94864kb Downloads:23

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