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Asianda LCD Display wishes you the best during National Day and Mid-Autumn Day


1st Oct is the most solemn day for all the Chinese people. On 1st Oct, 1949, China announced to the world that we were an independent country from that time. Every Chinese people is very proud of being a Chinese. In recent years, China is developing faster and faster and becoming stronger and stronger. Goods from China have been exported to all over the world. More and more people acknowledge goods with MADE IN CHINA marks. 

Mid-autumn Festival

Asianda LCD Display is one of the millions manufacturers in China. Established in 2010, Asianda has been engaged in providing the best outdoor lcd display products and the best service. In 2020, COVID-19, a sudden disaster swept all over the world. To protect ourselves from being infected and keeping ourselves safe, Asianda LCD Display developed hands sanitizer digital signage (YXD-22AD) and facial temperature check (YXD-F8). 

Mid-autumn Festival is the most festive holiday in China. Autumn means harvest. Every family will get together at that day to celebrate their harvest, they chat, they dance, they admire the moon, they share the harvest with each other. At this festive time, Asianda is also celebrating. We celebrate our harvest for exporting thousands sets of YXD-22AD and YXD-F8 to all over the world. We share this joy and good news with all our friend all over the world.

Mid-autumn Festival

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